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Author Topic: Transformers X GI JOE thread  (Read 24529 times)


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Transformers X GI JOE thread
« on: February 28, 2024, 12:59:07 PM »

I figured I would start this thread to discuss this line instead of just going on about it in the Classified thread.

Anyway, we have three releases so far with Kup/Triple-T coming next (not yet revealed, but all but confirmed).  Then the rumour is Prime/Mobat as the one after Kup.  So that is five releases and hopefully more to come.

Anyway what got me going on this thread is that I just opened up Soundwave/Thunder Machine.  MAN-O-MAN is he a thing of beauty.  I have a Thunder Machine so I was able to compare the two and they absolutely nailed the size/scale and dimensions in vehicle.  And the updated paint apps really improve the vehicle's look, and don't get me started on the new from grill.  What an improvement over the fragile original. And getting two figures now (Zarana and Zartan) along with a Ravage cassette bot (it is the Masterpiece version in blue) really added to the value.   Price is a bit steep, but I don't regret getting this set.

Overall this is the best release so far in the line, but I am hopeful they can do even better with future releases.

As for Megatron and Bumblebee.  Megatron looks good in vehicle mode, but there are some issues in robot mode.  Same with Bumblebee but to a lesser degree. 


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Re: Transformers X GI JOE thread
« Reply #1 on: February 29, 2024, 12:31:36 PM »

I like what I see but I don't collect transformers.
But tell me more about the thundermachine front grill...


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Re: Transformers X GI JOE thread
« Reply #2 on: February 29, 2024, 01:12:44 PM »

I grabbed Megatron and Bumblebee, and there are OK - love the retro figures on cards.  I held off on the Thundermachine as it did have a bigger price tag.  I am still not 100% sure if I will pick it up,  I think I am more inclined to direct my money to Masterpeice TF's as well as classified.


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Re: Transformers X GI JOE thread
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2024, 02:25:08 AM »

I love the concept, but the transformers looks a little wonky. They should have gone with some kind of masterpiece level design... then you would have the best of both worlds. Neat idea, but not sure I will cave in. The thunder machine looks cool though


  • phpBB Blue SNAKE
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Re: Transformers X GI JOE thread
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2024, 04:59:03 AM »

I love the concept, but the transformers looks a little wonky. They should have gone with some kind of masterpiece level design... then you would have the best of both worlds. Neat idea, but not sure I will cave in. The thunder machine looks cool though

Couple things for the idea of a Masterpiece level of design.

1)  Right now the price is already pretty high, and sales don't look to be all that great with each release going on sale/discount (Soundwave hasn't yet but he will).  Trying to go even more detailed/intricate would increase the price even further.  I don't imagine there is a large enough market for $200US+ offerings.  Also remember that the Masterpiece line has a large Asian fanbase as well that probably wouldn't be anywhere near as big if it was Joe/TF crossovers.

2) The designs are already pretty intricate for what they are, and I don't know that further engineering would make much more difference.  Remember there is a point where you can't do anymore with a product due to plastic tolerances, and design/model requirements.  Unlike the Transformers who were designed from the start to be able to convert from robot to vehicle, none of the Joe vehicles ever had that mindset behind them.  So to shoehorn in a robot mode after the fact means that unfortunately there are going to be sacrifices no matter what.  As well as making them be able to hold figures in vehicle mode.  Masterpiece or not.

In the end this line is one of the best things going right now for me and I love it.  Especially since we are getting new O-ring figures as well with each release on classic cards.  Soundwave is by far the best of the three  released so far, and maybe part of it is also the designers getting their heads around the process.  So the first couple of releases are a bit wonky, but now they are starting to hit their stride and better know what does, and doesn't, work for making these toys.  Bumblebee is a pretty good design as well considering it is an open air vehicle that has to hold figures.  Unlike other "car" Transformers which have closed roofs and windows/doors, the AWE Striker has none of those to help with hiding stuff during transformation.

Can't wait to see the Triple-T/Kup and Mobat/Optimus Prime.   Hopefully one of them gets revealed soon.

Pete The Greek

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Re: Transformers X GI JOE thread
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2024, 06:54:18 PM »

Optimus as a Mobat? Lame.  Considering the dinky sized G1 toy he got, Warpath would have been a better pick. 
Go Leafs Go - just end '67


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Re: Transformers X GI JOE thread
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2024, 05:21:19 AM »

Optimus as a Mobat? Lame.  Considering the dinky sized G1 toy he got, Warpath would have been a better pick.

I think it comes down to limited options for what they could make Optimus Prime turn into from the Joe vehicle list.

The more obvious choice might have been the APC which would have give us a "cab" mode for Prime and the back could have converted into a battle base of some kind.  However I think the size of the vehicle might have been an issue.  Same thing goes for the HAVOC, which would have been my preference for Prime.  Could you imagine Optimus Prime as the HAVOC?  The front end could be Prime and the back end could be a naturally folding out base mode while the hover sled could be Roller.  Of course there might be an issue with the giant windshield and how to hide it in robot mode, but I would think the simplest thing to do would be to just remove it in robot mode.  They had no problem with parts-forming Megatron to hide his face in vehicle mode so why not the same for Prime?

Again though, considering the cost of Soundwave I would hate to see what they might try and ask for something as big and complex as Prime as the APC or HAVOC. 

As the MOBAT, if true, it give them an alt mode that is slightly smaller and being a traditional tank also gives them easy options to make the transformation work and hide the robot mode.   I mean they have been doing tank alt modes forever so I would hope they can do Prime justice this way.   The one thing is that I am fairly certain it will not have the motorized function.


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Re: Transformers X GI JOE thread
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2025, 06:10:41 AM »

Managed to snag the Transformers x GI Joe Triple T Kup with Sgt. Slaughter and Leatherneck from TRU.

Got a $100 gift card for TRU and had the "$30 off $100 or more purchase" coupon.  So $140 ($139.99) - $30 - $100 and no tax means I was only out of pocket for $9.99.

Love the Triple T/Kup design.   Man this line is doing great things with bringing TFs and Joe together.   I really love that they are basically using the ARAH designs and scale for the vehicles, and then working backwards from that to make the robot mode.

Also more O-ring figures!!!!

Wish Sarge came with more accessories, but both he and Leatherneck look great and go well with the previous releases.