I didn't jump onto the Marauder band-wagon right off either. I was leery of their stuff, thought it was breakable resin, or what-have-you..........thought the detail might be rough etc.
They were around a couple of years before I took a chance with their series 6 stuff.
BOOM, that broke the ice........the weapons were awesome sauce with amazing on the side.
Then they launched their series 7 Kickstarter and I was right on board for that.
But the thing was that if there was a problem, a question or a concern.......they'd be right there to answer it. Just great customer service, for a small on-line biz. When I did the series 7 stuff, I had a concern about just what I was getting. I messaged them, and they replied, laying it all out for me. Subsequently, I placed an order for an additional series 7 set, just a single set for a buddy of mine. But when I got my stuff, I got so much of it that it seemed like there were extras.....and a considerable amount of them, thrown in. I don't know for sure, but I feel that they took very good care of me with that stuff. I got my money's worth, that's for sure.
Consequently, I've NEVER heard or read of anyone who was grumpy with an order they've done with Marauder---maybe I'm not paying attention, but I'd guess the numbers of unsatisfied customers are pretty low.
Now these new figures might give them trouble because expectations are high, and learning curve is steep. These guys are FUSSY.
The series 7 project was launched from drawings.....prototypes came after the project, and there were hurdles.
But Marauder insisted on getting things right......the fulfilment was delayed several months while they worked things out.
They kept pledgers updated, and they delivered.
I'd expect the same thing with these figures.....they'll end up great. These guys pay attention to details, they are not slapdash. They have expectations themselves, and I don't think they'd release something half-assed.
But, yeah.......some collectors just sniff at this stuff. They don't venture outside the box, literally/figuratively. I think that's a shame because products like what Marauder expand the possibilities and imagination of the basic hobby and, imo, help turn it into something special.
I honestly wonder and hope they can top this.