Red and white once again! We've restored the classic look of JoeCanuck.
Sweet Sally Mugumbo!!!Thank you Hasbro!!Pay no mind to these heretics, this is great news. I already have a PP Conquest, but a new one is always welcome. Also, a chance to get the Tiger Rat? I'm in. I figured Hasbro would try and use the molds again, and thankfully they did it with my two favourite subgroups. I wish they would have used Skystriker instead of Wild Bill, but otherwise great news.
While it's cool to see a Tiger Force vehicle and extra cool to see Wild Bill done up in colours similar to the unreleased Tiger Force Wild Bill that was supposed to be released instead of Tiger Force Recondo back in the day, I'm not sure I'm in the market for a Tiger Rat.
Yay another Wildbill...
I've seen so many versions of Bill that he's no longer Wild but more like Mild Bill.