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Messages - Kronz

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General Joe Talk / Re: Ask and answer a question game for G.I. Joe
« on: January 28, 2009, 12:12:37 AM »
Short Fuze can be found with one of two different mortars too, I think.

Off Topic / Re: Marvel 3 3/4" figures now at Walmart. Also DC figs.
« on: January 25, 2009, 10:45:58 PM »
I am gonna save my money for Joes but today I saw what amounts to a major sighting for this line. Wal-mart in east London had nearly the whole line spread over three pegs. That Wal-mart is open 24h. If I was better off I'd have snatched them for Ebay.

Multiples of: Iron Man, Punisher, Wolverine (four or five of Wolvie)

singles of : Torch in blue costume, Daredevil, Black Panther, Spiderman, Silver Surfer

Items Wanted / Looking for a handful of 25th figures
« on: January 21, 2009, 11:30:29 PM »
Hey guys, I am getting pretty close to having all the main anniversary figures I need, but since I got in late there are a number of figures I can't get here in Canada very easily. I open and pose/play with them so loose is fine by me as long as file cards are included.

High priority:

Short Fuze (most wanted)
Grand Slam (without vehicle)
Doc (either version, as long as it's complete)
Cobra Enemy (black face mask, Cobra The Enemy display stand)
Cobra Officer (grey webgear)
[s:3n810whn]Grunt (TRU)[/s:3n810whn]
Baroness (black outfit)
Shipwreck (blue pants, any variant ok)

Lower priority:

Stinger Driver
Snow Job[/s:3n810whn]
Lady Jaye (hat version)


Desert element from carded Tripwire
tread for MASS device
extra guns, helmets, knives and webgear, I'll buy them off you if you have any to spare

I can get a lot of these held in captivity in box sets, but would rather avoid that if I could because I seriously don't need more Destro, Duke or Storm Shadow figures. Right now I don't have much to trade, actually all I have to trade is a MOC American Storm Shadow Cobra Ninja (cartoon) and a MOC Canadian Eels. Mainly I would like to buy them from any private collector in Canada. Loose is fine by me as long as the figure is in good shape and has all its goodies.

Thanks in advance.

edit: splurged and ordered some stuff online to help the cause :)

Like others, I don't know where I'd store it and don't want to buy it unless it is pretty similar to the 83 base. The original headquarters is one of the greatest toys ever made, but I doubt Hasbro sees it as a viable toy to remake. I expect lots of sound effects, shooting weapons and silly non-militaristic touches throughout. Still very interested to see images when they surface.

General Joe Talk / Re: Wal~Mart raises prices on Singles
« on: January 20, 2009, 12:20:54 AM »
sad news at my nearest W-M. They unloaded several palettes of toys last night but among them was nothing Joe other than a single case of wave 1 vehicles (HISS asst) and more Combat Heroes. I have been waiting for them to fill the 25th pegs for nearly a month now. A month ago I got an entire wave there and since then they maybe put out two more cases and then nothing. Now the 25th pegs have Combat Heroes on them.

General Joe Talk / Re: IDW GIJOE #1 out today.
« on: January 19, 2009, 01:01:31 AM »
I just hope this doesn't muck with our chances of a proper 86 Dialtone remake.

General Joe Talk / Re: 25th Anniversary rumoured list
« on: January 16, 2009, 02:19:44 PM »
Don't get me wrong, I'll be buying the FLAK w/Outback as soon as I can, I just wish they could have been a little less random with the 25th figure selection. Of course Hasbro is doing it to make sure the casual collectors stick around after the movie line expires, but I am impatient and would like at least ONE completed series without having to buy Target exclusives, mail aways or redundant SRO packs.

General Joe Talk / Re: 25th Anniversary rumoured list
« on: January 16, 2009, 10:40:01 AM »
I think Hasbro has fumbled a little with giving us a fair shot at completing any full series. Why the hell do we need more 87 and 88 figures remade when many more popular 82-86 characters are held back? Outback is cool I guess but his t-shirt even made me laugh when I was seven. What I am getting at is that they have stranded classic characters like Short Fuze and Grand Slam at Target in rare or expensive toys that I will never find! I can live without a complete remade 87 series, but it's just shameful to have so many holes in the classic first five series. What's next, a comic pack with Psych-out and Crystal Ball?! :(

General Joe Talk / Re: DVD Battle packs are amazing!
« on: January 15, 2009, 01:19:17 PM »
I will still pick up a carded LJ if I ever ran into one, but it doesn't seem too likely until maybe they start digging in past waves after the movie line is done. Her face does seem much nicer on the carded version.

It's odd the new box set version appears to have her shirt buttoned up. Shame.

Ontario / Wave 1 2009
« on: January 15, 2009, 11:04:07 AM »
Heroes in London has this wave, or rather, had it. All that is left are a few Fireflys, one Cobra Trooper with a paint defect on his face and a couple Cobra Torches. Also they had the IG/Viper comic pack which may just be the most pointless comic pack yet. I grabbed the Torch because I am too lazy and impatient to get the "proper" Dreadnok comic pack (not that I've ever seen a copy in Canada). The Cobra Trooper was a sell for me until I noticed paint missing from his face mask. Considering I have at least three Fireflys already I left him, he didn't even look as good as the TRU version.

Maybe we can use this thread to post spotting of this wave? I have seen it called Wave 9 2008 on YoJoe but elsewhere on the site they have it as Wave 1 2009.

Price for the new wave is 11.99 each on the ones in stock. Lots of earlier waves are represented in bits and pieces, and I don't think anything is cheaper than 9.99/single and 15.99/comic pack.

by the way, Sienna Miller is playing her...I was surprised since this sculpt looks nothing like her

edit: well, now Sienna doesn't look like herself even, so maybe the figure is accurate?

General Joe Talk / Re: Wave 8 2008 Canadian Card Images
« on: January 15, 2009, 08:23:32 AM »
That is really weird. Hopefully it means Hasbro is bringing in product from USA to Walmart, that would be great. I really enjoy having a file card to clip out, those bilingual things are annoying.

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