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Messages - Kronz

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General Joe Talk / Re: 25th Anniversary Canadian case assortments
« on: March 02, 2009, 09:08:43 AM »
My local W-M just put out two cases of Wave 8 revision. Why are they going backwards? I am pretty much about to give up on carded Joes at retail for now.

Ontario / Re: Wal~Mart raises prices on Singles ... again
« on: February 28, 2009, 03:10:35 AM »
A few cases of waves from last year appeared in London Walmart this week. Destro IG, Snake Eyes Commando, Spirit, TF Flint, CG, CC with MASS element and maybe some others. Surprised me.

General Joe Talk / Re: Wave 2 2009 Vehicles Cancelled.
« on: February 25, 2009, 10:23:49 AM »
Small Joes put them up for pre-order too. It's the first time I've ever pre-ordered any toys, let alone bought a case, but it seems like a one time chance to get some pretty cool stuff. I would rather have the Sting Raider than the Arctic Hiss though, but that's just me. It doesn't look like Sting Raider is going to be restocked before the movie.

Ontario / Re: Wal~Mart raises prices on Singles ... again
« on: February 23, 2009, 03:09:45 AM »
I haven't seen any carded Joes hit the floor at my local three wal-marts in some time, most seem to be stuck with either no Joes on the pegs or various picked over assortments from around October's shipments. At eight bucks each, I was ok losing out on file card and card art. But at 10, I may as well pay another buck or two and get real American versions sent to me. I really loved looking around Wal-marts for carded Joes but it seems like it's gonna be a habit I drop. Still hope to get vehicles, comic packs and movie stuff through them though, if I can.

General Joe Talk / Re: Speculation about Movie toy pricing?
« on: February 19, 2009, 03:19:27 AM »
Most of the movie stuff seems not only undesirable, but likely very overpriced. How can they go from 15 bucks for two figures and two small vehicles to 20 for one figure and one small vehicle. It's robbery. Clearance will probably bring them down into reasonable prices of course. I was really relieved to see how bad the Pit was. Maybe that makes me a cynic but I can definitely find better ways to spend a hundred bucks.

General Joe Talk / Re: New Joe AND COBRA 5 Pack Images!
« on: February 17, 2009, 12:49:10 AM »
I've got both sets now, got one at Wal-mart and the other online (assuming I'd never find either at retail).

Now I think these are a great value, and are most appropriate as starter kits for either children or an adult who has only got his interest up again since the movie preview (or similar). For those of us who have had a long head start, neither set is amazingly useful but I'd still call it a must-have at the price.


Baroness: The best version of this character ever. This figure is the only real exclusive and brilliant figure in the Cobra set. I would have paid $15 for her alone, so it justified the set easily. Having missed out on the first black version last year, I was very happy to get this much-improved take on one of the most important Cobras of all.

Cobra Commander: He's fine. I didn't like the cape when it came in the comic pack and don't like it now. Otherwise, he's a classic version of my favorite psychotic tyrant.

Zartan: Useless to anyone who got the carded Swamp Zartan. His face isn't as nicely made and the overall paint looks cheaper.

Storm Shadow: a great new mold but his skin is molded in color, not painted like the superior quality carded Storm Shadow. It looks like this mold will be properly painted for its release in the Hall of Heroes. Annoying.

Viper: Nice. If this is the version we'll get in the TRU set, sign me up. Not a huge improvement in any practical sense, but the chrome really stands out making this a very handsome Viper. Like the Baroness, this is probably the best this character has ever looked.


Flint: Skinnier with new backpack-friendly webgear. I like the old webgear more, it made him seem more muscular. Also, I am not liking the face on this version, enough that I may end up permanently giving him Flint-in-disguise's beret head. The new one has bared teeth and just doesn't look good to me, even if it's clearly Flint. He has a hard time holding his weapons too. Tiger Force Flint will remain my favorite Flint so far.

Hawk: Cheap-o repaint of the wonderful carded version. It's bad enough that Hawk's face is inconsistent between his 82 and 86 iterations, but carrying this across the 25th line makes it even more confusing. Hawk v2 in 25th form basically looks like Duke in the face. I definitely prefer the grimacing v1 face from the comic pack. Anyway, this version is cheap! It doesn't even say Abernathy on his bomber jacket any more. A waste of a slot in the set, if you ask me. At least it wasn't another Duke.

Shipwreck: I wanted him the most, since I missed out on his carded version and the comic pack version is too far off course to satisfy my nostalgia. I hate the way they did Polly, and I liked his older head mold better, but this is a very accurate cartoon Hector and that's good enough for me.

Lady Jaye: My copy has head problems because of her collar. The head isn't as nicely painted as the version in the DVD set and this one lacks the cleavage most of us appreciate. A much better spear and nice articulation make this a decent figure, if still maybe my second-place LJ.

Snake Eyes: Now this is one I can approve of. However, I reckon the HoH version will take this mold and present it in nicer paint and construction quality ala Storm Shadow from the Cobra set.

I'd give each set a solid 7 out of 10. Worth buying but not without some issues.

General Joe Talk / Re: Toy Fair '09: 25th 3/4 figures in seven figure packs
« on: February 15, 2009, 03:24:10 PM »
All 14 figures look amazing to me. I will pre-order them the moment I can. If this is the the final bow of the line (which I doubt anyway), they are going out in style.

General Joe Talk / Re: New Joe AND COBRA 5 Pack Images!
« on: February 12, 2009, 01:11:04 AM »
They just hit London today. I grabbed the Cobra set and it's not bad. Would've liked a little higher quality in Zartan and SS but whatever, they are dupes anyway and I love that SS's gear is backwards compatible with ARAH since it's got no peg. My Ninja Viper from 92 will finally have proper gear.

Ontario / Re: G.I. Joe Collector 5-Pack Assortment: Wave 1 2009 @ Wal~Mart
« on: February 12, 2009, 01:03:07 AM »
Argyle W-M in East London got a TON of VvV homage packs (ick) and about ten or fifteen of the five packs. Scored a Cobra set. They also had about a dozen(!!) of the Anni Optimus Primes, but they had all been left up on the top shelf, completely undisplayed. I really, really want one. 70 bucks is a bit rich though.

General Joe Talk / Re: More Movie Toys revealed - Including the PIT!
« on: February 12, 2009, 12:51:19 AM »
I think I will buy Snake Fries to keep Darth Tater company.

Ontario / Re: G.I. Joe Collector 5-Pack Assortment: Wave 1 2009 @ Wal~Mart
« on: February 11, 2009, 06:55:07 PM »
Man, 70 bones for OP? Ugh. I still want him though, and I thought the Canadian box looked better than the DVD/Comic iteration I see on

However, I would rather save my 70 and put it toward the Cobra set, I need that Baroness. Maybe with the leftovers I can find the missing vehicles of the 25th line I

Ontario / Re: G.I. Joe Collector 5-Pack Assortment: Wave 1 2009 @ Wal~Mart
« on: February 11, 2009, 09:40:12 AM »
Optimus Prime 25th wasn't set up with a price anywhere, just two of him set randomly about ten feet from the carded TF stuff. It was Hyde Park Wal-mart, north of London. I couldn't find a price on OP, I assumed it was expensive though.

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